sobota, 11 maja 2013

Ice Cream - Easy Games for Kids

I scream, U scream, we all scream for Ice-cream. So true! Icecream mania has started again at DeckieDuck. Ice cream is the most loved food item of babies and is man’s best friend. Ice cream play is an easy game for kids that make them appreciate food. The choc-bar offered to kids makes them consider ice cream as a friendly object. They enjoy the virtual eating experience of devouring an ice cream.  This game enables children to appreciate food and help them learn how things are consumed and eaten. They learn an important lesson of finish. They learn that the ice cream shall be all consumed once eaten. They learn to appreciate that things are not permanent. They learn the concept of acceptance of things that are lost or finished thus working on their tolerance management.

This easy game for kids makes children have a sense of achievement as well. Children enjoy power of making an object consumed by mere clicks of their mouse. It if fun for them to watch as the ice cream disappears bite by bite. With every bite of the ice cream children smile and enjoy. They lick their lips and feel themselves gulping the tasty chocolate with caramel inside. Children enjoy playing this easy game as they relate it to their real life experiences. Easy games for kids at Deckie Duck are all unique as they provide kids learning through fun and interesting activities. The lessons children learn through these easy games for kids are long lasting and permanent.

According to parents’ feedback, this easy and interesting game for kids has helped children with less appetite and eating problems. Seeing un- resistible yummy ice cream on their screen and virtually consuming it has triggered their appetite as well. Parents have also found it easier to make children eat their food while they play this wonderful game. This enjoyable game is peaceful and calm activity that all children have loved to play.

piątek, 10 maja 2013

Fireworks - Fireworks Games

Fireworks is an obsession loved by all ages. Deckie Duck now brings the crack experience of fireworks to your laptops. ‘Fire works’  at Deckie Duck is children’s most cherished and admired game. It makes kids learn while enjoying the fireworks. As the children play the game, with each click the screen is busted with colorful firework crackers. Firework games are easy for a child to play themselves, allowing parents to have time free while the child indulges himself in a safe play. It does not require parental guidance and the child feels confident to handle the fireworks himself. He feels overjoyed as he makes a cracker lit up and shoots in the sky. His confidence boasts seeing the cracker bust in colorful fireworks.

Firework games in general provide fun activity to kids but are liked by elders as well. The cracking music running in the background thrills the player and he gets an imitation of real fireworks. This fire work game at DeckieDuck is unique as it is so close to the real fire work experience, yet it is safe and easy for kids to handle.

This game assists children to understand the functionality of fireworks and gives them confidence. As the child lights up the cracker, he is tickled and every crack of the firework makes him giggle. Fireworks is a leisure play that teaches kids to have fun and laugh. This distinctive game makes the fire work experience more interesting and appealing.  The kids are allowed to imagine a festival of their own. They create a fiesta for themselves and let their imagination create wonders for them. Children would imagine people he loves to be along with him, he shall find reasons to be happy and would share his happiness.

This imaginative game allows kids to be creatively happy and enjoy moments of uproar ecstasy and happiness.

Mister Blown - Fun Games for Kids

There are numerous fun games for kids online, but my favorite one if ‘Mister Blown.’ It is a funny activity that enables children to learn through fun. Mister Blown functions on the belief that kids learn the most when they themselves are involve in an activity and are having fun with it as well. This fun game for kids is the best choice. As the kid experiences Mister Blown getting fatter with every click of the mouse they realize how eating excessive food makes our body go fat and we slowly start looking de shaped.

Mister Blown is one of the few fun games for kids that have proven record of first making the kid smile and then transforms the smile to the warm hearted laughter as archetypal of kids as Mister Blown flies in the air with his amusing heavy body. This game teaches multiple lessons to the players. The first as discussed Is the disadvantages of excessive eating that leads to obesity.

Mister Blown is such an interesting game that about eight million toddlers have already played it and the feedback is a 100% satisfaction. This interactive game provides the priceless lesson of sharing. The kids share the concept of how our physique alters. It is a safe, learning and fun game for kids. The kids can share the monitor or share the mouse so every child enjoys the excitement of making Mister Blown get fatter till on the last click of a child he is blown and flies in the sky. The dressing of Mister Blown is intentionally kept simpler so children would remember it for long. The background music sounds like handmade children musical instruments being played and further adds to the reasons why Mister Blown is considered top favorite fun game for kids.

It is not a secret that in fact parents have also enjoyed playing Mister Blown and have equally loved the concept and the implementation. Mister Blown gives a safe and educational chance to children playing it together to discuss their thoughts as why the funny looking man is getting fatter. Children further relate the reasoning to their educational knowledge they have learnt at school or at home. This prompts their reasoning capability and as they discuss the possibilities, commenting on other’s reasoning they learn important communication skills. They learn to differ, to tolerate if others don’t think the way they themselves think. Above all as all fun games for kids aim at, Mister Blown also aims to give so much fun that kids would bookmark the site and would pick it up as their favorite pass time. Giving parents the relaxation that their kids are having fun while learning interesting lessons makes the value of Mister Blown even greater.