środa, 26 września 2012

Awesome Sharing Games for Toddlers

Play, learn, smile. Together!

100+ Educational Games for Children 2-5 Years Old

As a parent of a toddler, it is difficult for me to keep my son engaged all the time while ensuring that he is learning the necessary life skills such as solving the basic problems and developing social skills which will prepare him for the kindergarten.  Then, I realized I could search for kids’ games online. I was amazed at plethora of kids’ games available online, but most of them did not satisfy my idea of developing social skills such as sharing and working in a team.  I have taught my child that “Sharing is Caring.” But, I needed online sharing games in animated and colorful background that will reiterate the importance of sharing stuff with the team whether it is a food item or an object. At last, I stumbled upon  Duckiedeck.com and I found amazing sharing games at the website and I believe these are the perfect preschool sharing games for my son as well as many toddlers who can learn to share and care. 

Engaging games for toddlers & preschoolers

  • Help explain a number of life lessons
  • Give inspiration for off-screen plays
  • Develop multiple thinking skills
  • Created with kids, parents and psychologists

When we try to teach our children about fair share, toddlers hardly understand the importance of sharing things with siblings equally. But, with the help of preschool sharing games they can understand that an equal share can bring smiles on the cute little faces. These sharing games are the perfect blend of games and technology that keep your child engaged for hours together without exposing him or her to inappropriate content. All the content delivered in the website is psychologist approved, age-appropriate and perfect for toddlers who are preparing for pre-school.  The beautiful and colorful icons are so tempting that kids will be busy all day long and will learn the keyboard and computer skills effortlessly. Duckiedeck.com offers 100s of awesome kids games which can help the overall cognitive development of your child including listening and communication skills.

At Duckiedeck.com, parents can track the progress andmanage the profiles of their children, while monitoring the time spent by children in a particular game. This helps them discover the hidden interests of their children.  I loved the website and recommend the parents of toddlers to take benefit of kids games at Duckiedeck.com.